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RISE: Series 12
RISE (30 Minutes)
Welcome to RISE, Series 12! This class builds on all your great work from Series 11 with standing split and balancing Big-Toe Pose.
Up Next in RISE (30 Minutes)
RISE: Series 13
Welcome to RISE, Series 13! This class builds on all your great work from Series 12 with firey sun salutes, Warrior III, and the advanced progression of Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (aka Big Toe Pose)!
RISE: Series 14
Welcome to RISE, Series 14! This class builds on all your great work from Series 13 with core and shoulder work, split variations, and a little air time as you practice kicking up!
RISE: Series 15
Welcome to RISE, Series 15! This class builds on all your great work from Series 14 as we practice kicking up....this time from standing split!