BRISK (20 Minutes)
2 Seasons
BOOST STRENGTH AND STAMINA: Tighten and tone with this circuit-style, total-body workout! You'll move at a BRISK pace from one exercise to the next while focusing on form, stability, and quality repetitions in a yoga-informed way. Minimal rest in-between means you’ll make the most of each minute and maximize your results, all while building endurance and enhancing your cardio-vascular stamina!
HOW TO USE: Incorporate BRISK into your weekly routine or rotate it with another strength format, up to 2 times per week. STACKS well with classes like CLIMB, GLIDE, and MELLOW as well as with 10-15 minutes of self-guided cardio.
WHAT YOU NEED: Yoga/Exercise Mat, Athletic Shoes/Sneakers, 3 Sets of Weights (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Duration: 20 Minutes (approximately)
20:19Episode 1
BRISK: Episode 01
Episode 1
Switch up your reps with this circuit style workout!
20:31Episode 2
BRISK: Episode 02
Episode 2
Twists, and lifts, and kicks...oh my! Your shoulders, legs, and hips will notice that you worked out after this one!
19:53Episode 3
BRISK: Episode 03
Episode 3
Work your outer hips and core with clam shells and bicycles. Then, tackle your arms and legs with tricep kicks and deadlift combos.
20:20Episode 4
BRISK: Episode 04
Episode 4
It's a fun one! Mix up your movements with balance and combo exercises meant to keep you on your literal toes.
20:38Episode 5
BRISK: Episode 05
Episode 5
This one will keep you on your toes...literally, as you mix balance and agility with strength!
21:17Episode 6
BRISK: Episode 06
Episode 6
Strengthen from head to toe as you gradually add more load to your working muscles!
20:58Episode 7
BRISK: Episode 07
Episode 7
This one builds! Feel the burn by doubling down on consecutive reps as you squat, push, and rock!
20:44Episode 8
BRISK: Episode 08
Episode 8
Build and blend movements together with this fun, cumulative workout that hits your legs, arms, and core!
21:15Episode 9
BRISK: Episode 09
Episode 9
It's 5 reps all the way through rows, flys, lunges, dips, and more for a head to toe burn!
21:08Episode 10
BRISK: Episode 10
Episode 10
Alternate you way through legs, arms, and core for a total body burn of a workout!
20:25Episode 11
BRISK: Episode 11
Episode 11
Workout stations...on your mat? Why not?! Maximize your space, cardio, and strength, with this fun, ever-changing workout!
20:05Episode 12
BRISK: Episode 12
Episode 12
Increase your heart rate while building strength as you switch exercises with every rep!
20:36Episode 13
BRISK: Episode 13
Episode 13
Double up on strength as you play with pace in this tempo-based workout!
21:13Episode 14
BRISK: Episode 14
Episode 14
Work the BACK of the body with glute bridges and back strengtheners, PLUS a little core and legs to tie it all together!
20:01Episode 15
BRISK: Episode 15
Episode 15
Slow and steady wins the race with this core, leg, and back focused workout!
20:21Episode 16
BRISK: Episode 16
Episode 16
Cardio, arms, legs, core....all in 20 minutes! It's everything you need for a quick and effective total-body workout.
20:36Episode 17
BRISK: Episode 17
Episode 17
Build your strength rep to rep with cumulative exercises!
20:57Episode 18
BRISK: Episode 18
Episode 18
Let's dip, jump, lunge, fly, and crunch for a total-body workout!
20:41Episode 19
BRISK: Episode 19
Episode 19
Sundial + Ashtavakrasna (8-limb pose)? Yep!
21:07Episode 20
BRISK: Episode 20
Episode 20
Shoulders and core? oh yes!
20:13Episode 21
BRISK: Episode 21
Episode 21
Hop, lift, plank and jog your way through this fun, 20 minute workout!
20:35Episode 22
BRISK: Episode 22
Episode 22
We're going old school with crunches and sit ups! And of course, legs and arms, too!
20:20Episode 23
BRISK: Episode 23
Episode 23
Balance, push, and re-think just how many fun things you can do in plank!
20:09Episode 24
BRISK: Episode 24
Episode 24
Take core, arms, and legs 5 reps at a time!